Familiar Homes Buyer Ltd

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Taking Care of our Clients and Our Team

We are happy to state that working to the most recent Goverment Instructions, Ashantidutch Property Letting Ltd will remain open for business, and we are keeping informed regarding the latest guidance. Consequently, residential surveys will most likely continue to be undertaken for the foreseeable future and whenever it is safe to do so, but occupiers health is our main concern. We may not be able to carry out residential surveys in properties in which somebody is designated extremely clinically vulnerable or shielding, please call to discuss your concerns. We also reserve the right to use laser thermometers if the property is occupied at the time of our visit.

Our company is committed to protecting the health of our clients and our team. Our Covid19 mitigation measures are there to minimise any risks. To this end we are following the  Government guidance on working in, visiting or delivering to other people’s homes, strict adherence is crucial for the health of all parties involved.

What you should know prior to our site visit of your property

Before scheduling we will confirm if anyone at the residence is self-isolating or presents any symptoms associated with Covid19 (a fever, a new & persistent cough or flu-like symptoms) or has been asked to shield (i.e., those who are clinically extremely vulnerable). Moreover, if anyone is isolating or shielding, the survey may be postponed to a later date.

At the time of the call all concerns must be discussed and procedures to mitigate potential risks will be agreed. This could entail vacating the property for the duration of the survey and not returning to the property for several hours, however, we have access to rapid testing and are informed of risks of us transferring infections to you before we visit you at your specified location.

What will happen at the survey

Whenever possible, we do ask for the building to be vacant for the duration of the site visit,  However, in the event that the  property cannot be vacated, occupiers must stay at least 2m from us at all times, if the building is small we would suggest the ideal way to accomplish this distancing is by the occupants remaining inside a specified room for the duration of the survey, subsequently leaving that room when we would like to examine that room, in such cases windows should be open to allow for the circulation of fresh air.

During our visit we will adhere to strict individual hygiene standards, using hand sanitisers, gloves, face coverings, and wipes will be used on all surfaces before and after we touch them or as and when is needed, and finally, we respectfully ask that occupiers leave all internal doors open, to minimise the need to touch the handles.

And as per the guidance, we will not be able to shake hands, hope you do not mind.

What will happen after the survey

We regret for now that we have had to impose a rigid approach of no face-to-face meetings, however, we can call or have a zoom, google, or teams meeting to discuss our findings, rather than meeting you on site, hopefully in the future things will change, until then we are sorry.